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Morgul Policy - Agenda 21

On Jan 2, 2009 a number of websites reported that the Premier of Qld Anna Bligh phoned Earth Media and made the following comment:

"I certainly don't think fluoride is safe and I know that it is a toxic poison - but my job is on the line.  They give me a script and I have to say it to the media."  In this statement, the Premier admits that her fluoride instructions 'came from Agenda 21". 2 Jan 2009. 

No claims can be made for or against the veracity of this reports, except to note that it was picked up by several websites:

Love for Life archived the statement as a pdf

It was picked up as far away as the U.K.  and posted on the U.K. Against Fluoridation Website blog on Jan 2, 2009 Forum debated the source of the comment which was Black Star Security

Some of the above websites also give Black Star Security as the source of the Premier's alledged statement.

This link is now blocked

So did someone phone into Earth Media and impersonate the Premier?

Is this political dysinfo? cointelpro?  Or is it the Revelation of the Method?

No answers, no denials of this report from the office of the Premier that comes up on any search - all attempts to access the source from Australia either blocked or disabled.

Was it insurance against the accidental mass poisoning on May 14 2009?

The 20 X "Fluoride Overdose in Water Courier Mail. May 14, 2009

These water accidents have a way of happening on Bligh's watch.

What is the deal with Anna Bligh and the Brigalow Corporation (that's Qld btw) and the water? 

Is this atrocity a Beatty burger with fries? Or a suppurating melanoma?

The answer is neither. It is the Queensland corporate logo. 


Southeast Queensland Floods 2010 - 2011



The fix is now in on the Southeast Qld Floods 2010-2011.  But before it was - questions were being raised that would require an official 'royal commision-style' inquiry.


The Jo Nova Website
"Brisbane's Man-Made Flood Peak?"
Guest post by Ian Mott "How SEQ Water Failed 'Flood Mitigation' 101. 13 Jan 2011

Herald Sun
"Why was the Wivenhoe Too Full to Save Brisbane?  Andrew Bolt

The official washout still does not wash. 

Many anomalies of the 2010-11 La Nina summer rainfall intensity were captured from the radar loop and posted on YouTube.

This is the 21st century and these days everyone gets to work for The Daily Planet.

The problem for Weather Wizards is that long summer months of 'pulsating rain' will prompt the techies, brainiacs, amateur meteorologists and kids with MOB phone cam to get onto the NET and find things out - so to speak.  From January 2010 to Winter 2011 (including the Australian La Nina summer) this group uploaded to YouTube their video captures from the technical websites that recorded all the WTF?!? weather anomalies.


Ever seen anything like this on the 6pm weather roundup?

'Eye of Sauron' Very Low Frequency (VLF) electromagnetic or EM wave signature over Briz captured on the BOM Australian national loop radar Feb 4, 2010.

To most people these Anomalies fall into the bizarro mundo category. To physicists who understand EM scalar waves these are signatures of weather engineering.

Climate change is the official codeword for climate engineering and weather worx. In the video below the website shows that Queensland EPA is a client of Weather Modification Incorporated

Hydrologists now agree that the major release of Wivenhoe water was the major cause of damage in the Ipswich/Brisbane floods of January 2011.

If you buy it that SEQWater's decision to not release more water sooner is justified because the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts underestimated the rainfall intensity in a La Nina summer - Well - I hope you enjoy the picture below.

The sodium fluoride tastes great with that recycled waste!  And so good for you!!

 Fluoridation of public water is part of the Agenda 21 depopulation goal

After being captured in the scrubbers of the Phosphate fertilizer industry, the hydrofluorosilicic acid (classified as hazardous waste - btw) is sold unrefined to communities across the country.

This is the primary fluoride chemical in sodium fluoride which is added to the public water supply for water fluoridation. It is also the main ingredient in rat poison.

It is the most toxic ionic molecule outside of potassium dichromate (K2Cr207)

From the Illuminati Card Game
designed by Steve Jackson 1995


"Agenda 21 and Water Issues"

"Cancer and Brain Damage Linked to Toxic and Poisonous Sodium Fluoride"

"The Phosphate fertilizer industry: an Environmental Overview" by Michael Connet, May 2003

So what is this 'Agenda 21' dictate which takes precedence over electoral mandates in Australia?

“Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?  Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?”  - thus, Maurice Strong, multibillionaire and Rothschild factotum opened the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro as the Conference Secretary General.

According to Maurice,  Baron Edmond de Rothschild is the architect of the sustainability objective and the environment movement as an instrument.

Instrument for what?  Well...put on your HmHm crown

and figure this out.

There is a lot of money to be made in building empires, but there is even more to be made in wrecking them and re-organizing the ruins – as a world empire. 

Think world domination.  Isn't this kind of a Rothschild thing? 

The implementation of Agenda 21 is affecting every man, woman and child on the planet.

The global forum at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro was the public relations event that kicked off the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) June 3 – 14, 1992.  This huge pow-wow was attended by  representatives of national governments and NGOs (which had consultative status through the global forum).  More importantly, it was attended by representatives of The Crown (the government of the City of  London) of whom Maurice Strong was one, assorted Grand Worshipfuls and other movers, shakers, pooh-bahs, barrow pushers, power brokers and vested interests from around the globe.

Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.

The billionaries did not mix with the global forum, but their yachts rode at anchor off the coast.

From the UNCED emerged Agenda 21 as a compendium of the following documents

  • Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
  • Rio Statement on Forest Principles
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


The Earth Summit Conventions were signed by the representatives of 178 national governments.  Ros Kelly, the Minister for the Environment under the Keating government signed off  Australia on those Conventions in Rio 1992.

The sweeping Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) covers every aspect of human and social life – the entire human endeavor and aspiration - and defines it in terms of environmental 'sustainability'. 

The 'sustainable development' mantra is the official codeword for Agenda 21 policy statements and hype.  This is because to the naïve person, 'sustainability' sounds like a good thing.  And on the face of it, it is a good thing.

But the real deal with the 'sustainability mantra' requires 40 pages of fine print in this document.

Most Austalians know that you have to live in a sustainable way with the environment.  The common sense definition of sustainable is not, however,  what Agenda 21 is about. 

The Rothschild Agenda 21 concept is draconian

This 'whole of society action plan' to implement 'sustainability' is the scope of Agenda 21.  It  reduces the entire human and social domain to the political and the regulated:  human life and reproduction, domestic life, residence, employment, personal health, public health, education,  associations, community and urban planning, land and water use, agriculture, primary industries,  natural  resources, economy, trade, information and media. Whatever human beings are and do is to  be regulated in terms of 'sustainability'.

Agenda 21 sets out specific measures through which signatory governments will implement sustainability in terms of a 'whole of society action plan'.  From the Agenda 21 document it is clear that 'sustainability' is more than a promotional mantra.  It is a social engineering dogma and legislative framework. And it will be fitted up with very precise legal and policy definitions as the content is enacted enacted into law in the signatory nations.  

'Whole of human life' and 'for the term of human life' policies will be formulated  in terms of 'environmental sustainability'.  The sustainability code will be weighted toward the environmental priorities that are the global objectives of the social engineers.

In this sense, “sustainable development” as a global objective is the codeword for totalitarian control.

Lord Christopher Monckton, scientific advisor to a succession of British governments, explains how this satisfies the classic Marxist definition of Communism.

This is the first of 5 videos uploaded to Youtube by Nikopolis 1912

While the politutes of the Keating government were signing Australia off as an entire nation in terms of the Earth Summit Conventions, the presstitutes of the controlled media (of course) blacked out all information on this undertaking and its import for the future of Australia.

And who owns the media monopoly?


The video below is a good introduction to Agenda 21 as a 'whole of society' action plan to implement "sustainable development." It gives the codewords for different action agenda used by the regulatory structures for bio-diversity under Agenda 21 Dictate. These structures are established under the UN Trusteeship Council and network internationally with their counterparts at federal, state, regional and local levels of the signatory nations.

Learn what the following words mean in terms of Agenda 21: "core wilderness areas", "wilderness corridors", "human buffer zones", "sustainable communities", "eco-system management", "multi-media enforcement". 

Agenda 21 = sustainable development or sustainability.

The Agenda 21 definition of these terms is not of common sense, it is draconian.

As acknowledged in the above video "Millions to be killed under Agenda 21!" that document takes its "sustainability" definition and mantra directly from the depopulation goal of the UN Global Biodiversity Strategy 1992 developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the UNEP.

This document gives six causes of 'biodiversity loss' which are to be addressed by the Agenda 21 action plan. See "Global Biodiversity Assessment Section 10: a Summary" by Henry Lamb and Dr. Michael S Coffman.

Agenda 21 is a blueprint and action strategy for quite specific and draconian definitions of 'sustainable development'.  Nations are being tasked with working out these strategies nationally and regionally under the oversight of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development which lately has morphed into the UN Trusteeship Council.  This Hydra is tasked with overseeing and integrating the national implementations of Agenda 21.

One of the dictates of Agenda 21 is that every nation must create a national council [ soviet ] to oversee the planning and implementation of Agenda 21through an intersectional approach involving all levels of government and organisations, groups regarded as stakeholders in policy outcomes.

In his book: Earth in the Balance, by 'Nobel Laureate' (siriusly) Al Gore , a fascinating statement occurs: "We must all become partners in a bold effort to change the very foundations of our civilizations."

This is not just a noble ideal or aspiration to remake human society upon models that interface with the environment in supportive ways.  It is more like the commandments of a new Pandora Religion.


Agenda 21 is the global programme for planetary collectivization.  It is not the 'sustainability' mantra but the fine print that is important.

In the video below, attorney Michael Shaw summarizes Agenda 21 = Sustainable Development in point form

  • abolition of private property - natural persons of Qld who have been conned into thinking that you are Human Resources of the Brigalow Corporation, I refer you to the loss of your property rights under the Brigalow Corporation.

  • loss of national self sufficiency in essential resources (which, of course, are essential for de facto sovereignty) Land and water use, primary production, wildharvest, access to the economy, work, nature, resources of nature, recreation, public health no longer ends in themselves, but part of the sustainable development framework
  • global citizenship education programme.  To be good Agenda 21 Human Resources of the Brigalow Corporation, you are going to have to start young.  You are going to have to be taught that the red eyed booby nesting Gaia's backyard (your tenancy) has more civil rights than you do.

  • population control.  Centralized private control of essential resources and planetary collectivization will eventually insure a massive reduction in population. This experiment has been successfully roadtested.  It is called the 'Kulakization' of the controlled population.


The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine (Hardback) By (author) Robert Conquest

U.N. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development by attorney Michael Shaw

"Sustainable Development - Will Change Your World Because of Agenda 21"

Federal, state and local politutes with no electoral mandate to implement Agenda 21 are drawing up “National, Social and Local Agenda 21 Action Plans' across the board.  To date 75 Councils in Australia have implemented or are developing local Agenda 21 plans.
"Australia's National Local Government Newspaper Online.

The Australian Local Government Assosciation has all the relevant code words in their promotional hype.

"The roles and responsibilities of both national and local governments gained much attention at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992"

"It was this UN Conference that produced Agenda 21, a document that set out a blueprint for sustainable activity across all human endeavor"... "a programme that provides a framework for implementing sustainable development at the local level."

The Agenda 21 blueprint and action plan for planetary collectivization dictates that "sustainable development" will require ongoing collaboration between the national, state and local government, private sector, community organisations in the development and implementation of national policy that integrates ecological, social and economic dimensions over the long term.


See also The Green Agenda

An example of this intersectional integration on Agenda 21 dictate is the work of COAG

The Council of Australian Governments, as mandated by Agenda 21, COAG drew up the legislative framework to separate land title from water rights in Australia

Dept of Sustainable Natural Resources Water Report 2002-03 documents the COAG programme objectives

1994 COAG "establish comprehensive water allocation regime in which land title and water entitlements are separated
2005 COAG " all water licenses to be converted to Water Management Act 'water licensing provisions', separating land title from water rights. 

As an example of how this works in practice, he Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA)  is now using  'water licensing provisions' in their Proposed Murray Darling Basin Plan to cut existing water allocations to the primary producers and towns of the Murry Darling.

This Agenda 21 separation of land title and water rights as implemented by the MDB Plan would, according to Griffith Mayor, Mike Neville “obliterate the communities in the Murrumbidgee Valley.”

The Murray Darling Basin Plan under Agenda 21 dictate.

It is clear that under Agenda 21 dictate, policies are being drawn up and implemented that do not recognize the right of Australia as a nation to support its own population with Australian primary production, wildharvest and industry.

The entire Agenda 21 assault looks like a thousand separate issues and battles.  But in reality, it is one conflict.

The demands of the New World Order now taking power obstructs the efforts of national government at all levels to legislate in support of their own populations at national, state, regional and local levels.  A nation that can not support its own people in terms of self-sufficiency de-facto can not make its own laws.

In the children's game the Hokey Pokey, the final move is – 'you put your wholeself in and you shake it all about.'  Friends, the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about.  And where we are now is where we shake it all about to the 33rd degree - novus ordo ab chao.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in public health.  Policies that have to do with public health no longer treat the health of persons as an end in itself to be served by the government ministry.

Public health is now part of the 'sustainable development' framework of Agenda 21 dictate.

ncreasingly, Australia public health will be brought into line with Agenda 21 directives as shown in this policy statement by the Public Health Association of Australia:  "Ecological Sustainable Development Policy" acknowledges that "protection and promotion of human health" comes under the purview of Agenda 21 dictate.

The Game is Afoot across the board in Australia to remove choices from the Australian public with regard to health and to enforce 'sustainability' with regard to population control, numbers, diversity quotas, land use and residence, surveillance, compliance, etc and etc.

In line with population control mandates of Agenda 21, the following bill is now before the House of Representatived in Canberra.
Families, Housing, Community Services and indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2011"Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Further Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2011 is currently before the House of Representatives in Canberra.;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansardr%2F2011-02-10%2F0013;query=Id

This bill proposes that the Federal government will make payment of the Family Tax Benefit Part A Supplement for a child turning 4 in a given income year, conditional on the child having received a basic health assessment.The reason given to the public for this mandatory basic health assessment BHA is the need to detect developmental delays and conditions that will affect children when they start school.

The REAL REASON will be set by Ministerial determination.

"Some Important Questions About Whether Child Health Checks Should Be Part of Welfare Reform"  Melissa Sweet  31 May, 2011.

"Unfit Until Screening And Intervention Says Otherwise"  29 July 2011

Wind Farm Power under Agenda 21 dictate is a health disaster for rural Australia

The Waubra Foundation is a national organisation formed to facilitate properly reviewed, independent research into the health problems which have been identified by residents living near wind turbines and other industrial sites which may have common cause.

The Foundation was set up by Peter Mitchell AM. After meeting and speaking with people living adjacent to the Waubra Wind Farm who were clearly suffering debilitating physical and mental health symptoms and who were universally unable to secure help or relief from the obvious sources, Peter, who had led the Stroke Foundation for many years, concluded that there was a clear need for an organisation with access to medical and acoustical expertise to assess the situation in the field and advocate suitable research and other programmes that would, as quickly as possible, address this health problem.

Public health: Don Quixote vs the wind turbines

Australia proposes ban on 1000s of plants including national flower according to Agenda 21 dictate

The destruction of Australian businesses and livlihood comes under Agenda 21 dictate

This covers the businesses of the people who feed us, clothe us and provide the majority of export income that sustains the nation.

In the great Insulation Debacle, the Rudd government sent hundreds of legitimate insulation companies to the wall with their incompetent scheme.  But in point of fact, the scheme was extremely competent in ridding Australia of another Australian industry under Agenda 21 dictate.

A few shonks and their liabilities and negligences (including fatalities) were just the cover story for the ruin of hundreds of legitiamate companies who had acted according to their contracts and in good faith providing a workmanlike service under government contract for clients.

But the government did not pay them what was legitimately owed even though Minister Combet's media release of April 20, 2010 stated that GST deferral was to be made available to insulating companies.

The result of the government failure to honour its contractual obligations with these companies was the destruction of an industry.  The personal toll was disconnection of telephones, people locked out of their business premises, repossession of motor vehicles, mortgage possession notices on the family homes, suicides, divorce and social mayhem.

And the same could be written over the disastrous Green Loans scam, the rorted Building Education Revolution.

The Queensland fishing industry as an industry of 'wildharvest' is being targeted for closure under Agenda 21 dictate

In nations like Uganda, the carbon trading schemes mandated by Agenda 21 are being violently implemented

After the first decade of the 21st century, the outline of Agenda 21 predation upon the nations of the third world is clear.

The Land and Power Report issued 21 Sept 2011 by the British agency Oxfam gives us a clear outline of the shape of things to come.

In Australia,  Agenda 21 is still being worked out at a policy level - as in "Sustainable Development will change your world." (the understatement of the century) In line with Agenda 21 dictate, Australian industries are being harassed, prosecuted and closed by govenrment agencies with all the heartbreak, social destruction, loss of livelihood and empoverishment that entails.

In nations like Uganda, however, Agenda 21 is being violently implemented. 

Agenda 21 Dictate – Farm Land Grab

 In its Land and Power report released Sept 21, 2011, the British aid agency Oxfam reported that more than 20,000 people were evicted from their homes between 2006 – 2010 to make way for plantations owned by the British New Forest Company.

Despite court orders restraining NFC and the government from evicting the villagers of Namwasa (and others), eyewitnesses told Oxfam that New Forest Company armed security helped government troops burn homes, kill children, destroy crops, confiscate property and remove villagers from their land.

NFC grows forests in African nations for the purpose of selling carbon credits to foreign polluters. Its investors include the World Bank through its private investment branch and the Hong Kong and Shanghai banking corporation HSBC. Its Board of Directors includes former Goldman Sachs investment banksters.

This is a huge scam. And multinational corporations in cahoots with Western governments and banksters have seized upon the 'climate change' and 'global warming' scam to grab land for carbon credits under Agenda 21 mandates. As a matter of course, this has meant in fact – massacres, forced relocations, destruction of livlihoods, property and homes.

Try to keep a straight face when you read in the Oxfam Report that the NFC takes the Oxfam Report “extremely seriously”, denies that villagers were forcibly removed and will, of course, conduct an “immediate and thorough” investigation.

The NFC stated that the majority of local reisdents had no legal right to the land; they had left peacefully and that the evictions were the sole responsibility of the Ugandan National Forestry Authority.

“The Ugandan Government and the NFC said the village was illegal and the villages were evicted in order to protect the environment and help fight global warming.”

A Ugandan government spokesman said the residents in Namwasa were “illegal encroachers” and regretted the use of violence to remove them was done by corrupt politicians and police officers operating illegally.

In its proposal to join a UN clear-air programme, NFC said the Namwasa villagers left in a “peaceful” and “voluntary” manner. “In Scramble for Land, Group says Company Pushed Ugandans Out”

Obviously the Namwasans were Greens instructed in the 'sustainability mantra'.

The bottom line is that people are being thrown off their land which is sold to foreign investors

In 2005, the Ugandan government granted New Forest a 50 yr license to grow pine and eucalyptus forests in three districts. The company applied to the UN to trade carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms for outsourcing to developing nations.

Here are statements by the Ugandans who spoke to Oxfam.

“I heard people being beaten, so I ran outside” said Emmanuel Cyicyima.

“The houses were being burn down. They said if we hesitated, they would shoot us” said William Bakeshisha who hid in his coffee plantation and watched his house burn down.

“Cars were coming with government police” said Mr Tushabe – sitting among the ruins of his old home. “They headed straight to the houses. They took our plates, cups, mattresses, bed, pillows. Then we saw them getting a matchbox out of their pockets.”

Olivia Mukamperezida, aged 28 years, said her house was among the first in her community to be burned down. In 2009, she said her eldest son, Friday, was sicka at home so she went out to the forest to find medicine. Villagers came and told her to come back. “Everything was incinerated. I found my house when it ws completely finished” she said. “I just cried.”

The government police and NFC forces who burned her house were never identified. She buried Friday's bones in a forest grave but says she does not know if her son's grave is still there because “they are planting trees.”

Government sale of arable land under Agenda 21 dictate and sale to foreign companies is set to become big business.

If Queenslanders do not think this can happen here – then you are dreaming. Queenslanders have already lost our property rights in fee simple under the Labour government which has used our rights in private property as collateral. Our dispossession is to be administered through the Brigalow Corporation..

The UN has recently announced it is preparing to roll out an army of green helmeted 'climate peacekeepers' to intervene in conflicts caused by rising sea levels and 'shrinking resources'.

“UN Security Council to Consider Climate Change Peacekeeping” Suzanne Goldenburg 20 July 2011

As with the Ugandan villagers, the Australian government at all levels is quietly going about the business of creating and networking policies that deprive Australians of our property rights and self-sufficiency.

If Queenslanders do not think this can happen here – then you may Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can.  Queenslanders have already lost our property rights in fee simple under the Beattie government. Our former rights in private property are collateral for Brigalow Corporation loans.

The whole army of Agenda 21ers are badgering away on Australia at federal, state, regional and local levels as well as 'intersectionally' in collaboration with the entire network of change-agent flunkies, NGOs and Cimate widgets hijacking the relevant sciences. 

The Globalist / Communist politutes in government and out of government are paid to hammer out the Agenda 21 legislation and map out the policies.  The presstitutes in the controlled media censor facts, promote the hype, bogey the science and spin the mantra.

Dr. Stan Montieth and Orlean Koehle on UN Agenda 21 Depopulation projections May 2011


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